Jun. 28, 2023
Connecting the Dots Lesson 10 Handout
John 14:6-7; 1 Corinthians 2:1-2 (ESV)
Gospel Portraits
1. Noah’s Ark Genesis 6
2. King Solomon’s passionate love for his wife Song of Solomon 1-8
3. The Ram for Isaac Genesis 22
4. The bronze serpent Numbers 21
Doctrine of the Lamb
1. Cain and Abel’s Offering (necessity) Genesis 4:3-7
2. Abraham offers Isaac (provision) Genesis 22
3. Passover (slaying) Exodus 12
4. The (character) of the Lamb Leviticus 22:21
5. Messianic prophecies (person) Isaiah 53
6. Lamb of God (Jesus identified) John 1:29
7. Phillip & Ethiopian Eunuch (Christ) Acts 8:35
8. Ransomed with the blood of the Lamb (resurrection) 1 Peter 1:18-21
9. The Lamb on the Throne (enthronement) Revelation 5:6-8
10. Everlasting (kingship) Revelation 21:1-4
Prophet Priest and King
(Moses) Communicates God’s messages to the people
(Aaron) Acts as intermediary and offers sacrifices and prayers to God on behalf of the people
(David) Rules over the people
Was Jesus a Prophet?
When Jesus made his triumphal entry into Jerusalem Matthew 21:11
The woman at the well considers Him a prophet John 4:19
When He feeds the 5000 John 6:14
He raises the widow’s son Luke 7:16
Jesus is well aware of his calling as a prophet Luke 4:24 & 13:33
Like the O.T. prophets He foretells the future Matt. 24:2-31, Luke 19:41-44