The Gospel of Luke Lesson 11

The gathering of the chapel

Sunday School - 9:45AM | Sunday worship- 11:00AM | Wed. Bible study - 6PM

Mar. 16, 2025

Luke Lesson 11 Study Questions

  1. For you shall laugh: The one who does ______ over their spiritual condition can genuinely laugh when God makes things ______. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. (Psalm 30:5).
  2. Exclude you… revile you… cast out your name as evil: This speaks of the extent of hatred that would be brought against the _________ of Jesus; and even worse would come upon them. Jesus said that for this, His followers (for the Son of Man’s sake) would be _________.
  3. Rejoice in that day and leap for joy! It is a paradox to be so _______ when so hated, yet these persecuted ones can because their reward is great in heaven, and because the persecuted are in good company: the prophets before them were also ___________.
  4. But woe to you who are rich… Woe to you who are full: Riches, no sense of need, and continual excitement and good times are a genuine obstacle to the kingdom. We normally won’t come to Jesus the way we should until we know we are _____, ________, and ________ comfort.
  5. Love your enemies: This is a shockingly ______ command to understand, but __________ one to obey. Jesus told us exactly how to actually love our enemies: do good, bless, and pray for those who spitefully use you.
  6. When a person insults us (strikes you on the one cheek) we want to give them back what they gave to us, plus more. Jesus said we should patiently bear such insults and offences, and not _______ an evil person who insults us this way. Instead, we _______ God to defend us.
  7. From him who takes away your goods do not ask them back: We can only practice this kind of __________ love when we know that ____ will take care of us. We know that if we give away our tunic, God has plenty more of them to give us.
  8. Just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise: The ________ way of stating this command was known long before Jesus. It had long been said, “You should not do to your neighbor what you would not want him to do to you.” But it was a significant advance for Jesus to put it in the _________, to say that we should do unto others what we want them to do unto us.
  9. . If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? We should regard it as no matter of _______, and no imitation of Jesus, if we merely _______ the love that is given to us.
  10. Judge not, and you shall not be judged: With this command Jesus warned against passing __________ upon others, because when we do so we will be judged in a ________ manner.
  11. Just a little later in this same sermon (Luke 6:43-45), Jesus commanded us to know ourselves and others by the ______ of their life, and some sort of __________ is necessary for that. The Christian is called to show unconditional love, but the Christian is not called to unconditional __________. We really can love people who do things that should not be approved of.
  12. With the measure you use, it will be measured back to you: This is the _________ upon which Jesus built the command, “Judge not, that you be not judged.” God will measure unto us according to the same measure we use for others. This is a powerful motivation for us to be __________ with love, forgiveness, and goodness to others. If we want more of those things from God, we should give more of them to others.