The Gospel of Mark Lesson 6

The gathering of the chapel

Sunday School - 9:30AM | Sunday worship- 10:45AM | Wed. Bible study - 6PM

Aug. 18, 2024

Last week we covered the parable of the sower, this week we will hear Jesus’ explanation of the parable to His disciples.

Mark Lesson 6 Study Questions

1.    The sower sows the word: Jesus said that the word of God is like a seed. It gets planted in our _______ and then has the potential to bear ______. But not every seed grows into a plant and bears fruit. The kind of soil it lands on makes all the difference.

2.     We learn something else here: It is by _________ that the seed is sown. You can study the seed, categorize the seed, analyze the seed, know the seed, or even love the seed. But if you don’t ____ it, nothing will grow.

3.    No root in themselves: Some professing Christians have no root in themselves. Their root is in their parents, or in their Christian friends, or in their pastor, or in enthusiastic surroundings. “Then there are many more, whose religion must be sustained by __________ surroundings. They seem to have been baptized in boiling water; and unless the temperature around them is kept up to that point, they wither away… the religion that is born of mere excitement will die when the ___________ is over.” (Spurgeon)

4.    There is nothing hidden which will not be revealed: By its very nature, _____ is meant to be revealed. _____ is the same way, and God promises that it will be revealed.

5.    Take heed what you hear: Christians should be careful to put themselves under good teachers, teaching the whole counsel of God’s Word. There are many reasons for choosing a church, but one of the big ones must be, “Jesus told me to take heed what you hear, and I know this church teaches the whole counsel of God’s Word.”

6.    And to you who hear, more will be given: When we _____ the word of God, and _______ it with gladness, more will be given to us from God’s spiritual riches.

7.    As if a man should scatter seed: When a farmer plants seed, and it grows by night, when he sees the seed sprouted in the morning, he has just worked as a _______ with God. Man has done what he could do – plant the seed; and God has done what _____ He can do: grow the seed.

8.    The harvest has come: Just as a field’s crop may be unnoticed when first planted, but can’t be missed when mature, so it is with the Kingdom of God. It has _______ beginnings and its root may be small, but when God ________ the work it cannot be missed.

9.    It grows up and becomes greater than all herbs, and shoots out large branches: Jesus, in considering the growth of the work of God, reminded us that ______ and ______ are not necessarily benefits. Corrupt Christianity has been a curse to the world, being the form of godliness without the power.

10.    Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing? “There may be both a sleeping Christ and a sleeping church, but neither Christ nor his church can perish. If our Lord be asleep, he is asleep near the helm – he has only to put his hand out and steer the vessel at once. He is asleep, but he only sleeps until we cry more loudly to him. When we get into such trouble that we cannot help ourselves and feel our entire __________ on him, then he will _______ his power.” (Spurgeon)

11.    Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith? Jesus didn’t say, “Wow, what a storm!” Instead, He asked, “Why is it that you have no faith?” The _____ could not disturb Jesus, but the _________ of His disciples disturbed Him.

12.    Who can this be, that even the wind and the sea obey Him! In the span of a few moments, the disciples saw both the complete _________ of Jesus and the fullness of His ______. They saw Jesus for who He is: truly man and truly God.

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